It is surprising that 18 million people are diagnosed with diabetes in the world with so many people do not know the difference between the type 1 and type 2 diabetes. This is understandable, because there are so many aspects of this disease. Many people with Type 1 diabetes, sometimes frustrated when they say that they have diabetes, and others may shrug it off and said the government may tablets or diet and exercise. When in fact, it is not true at all.
Type 2 diabetes is more common than type 1 diabetes. Statistics show that 90-93% of patients with type 2 type 2 patients can produce insulin, and not rely on insulin to "live". However, for some types 2 diabetes patients' disease progresses, they may then insulin. Patients also labeled "insulin, or insulin-requiring." Type 2 develops gradually in adults, usually after age 40. This is sometimes called adult diabetes. Often, the historical background of obesity and a strong family where diabetes is present. When first tested, the treatment with diet and exercise or some form of oral agents such as metformin. very consistent diet and exercise can actually be the most effective way to treat type 2 diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes is a serious condition where a man is not to produce insulin at all any of their bodies. Because the body can not produce insulin, they must then completely dependent on receiving daily insulin injections, sometimes up to 4-5 times a day. You can have meet some of the type 1 diabetes using insulin pumps. In this case, they do not have insulin injections, but where the insulin pump every day to give insulin to his body (through the port of stomach). 7-10% have type 1 diabetic It can make any age but usually occurs before the patient turned 30 years. Most patients diagnosed before the age of 20. In type 1 diabetes, often called the young. Scientists are still trying to uncover the causes of type 1, but then thought that it may cause viral or bacterial infection. May seem a genetic predisposition, but there are many people who do not have family members with type 1 diabetes.What You Need to Know About Diabetes Disease
Type 2 diabetes is more common than type 1 diabetes. Statistics show that 90-93% of patients with type 2 type 2 patients can produce insulin, and not rely on insulin to "live". However, for some types 2 diabetes patients' disease progresses, they may then insulin. Patients also labeled "insulin, or insulin-requiring." Type 2 develops gradually in adults, usually after age 40. This is sometimes called adult diabetes. Often, the historical background of obesity and a strong family where diabetes is present. When first tested, the treatment with diet and exercise or some form of oral agents such as metformin. very consistent diet and exercise can actually be the most effective way to treat type 2 diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes is a serious condition where a man is not to produce insulin at all any of their bodies. Because the body can not produce insulin, they must then completely dependent on receiving daily insulin injections, sometimes up to 4-5 times a day. You can have meet some of the type 1 diabetes using insulin pumps. In this case, they do not have insulin injections, but where the insulin pump every day to give insulin to his body (through the port of stomach). 7-10% have type 1 diabetic It can make any age but usually occurs before the patient turned 30 years. Most patients diagnosed before the age of 20. In type 1 diabetes, often called the young. Scientists are still trying to uncover the causes of type 1, but then thought that it may cause viral or bacterial infection. May seem a genetic predisposition, but there are many people who do not have family members with type 1 diabetes.What You Need to Know About Diabetes Disease